
Scrolls Design Competition Winners

10 years, By: Hopefighter

The Finalists, and Winners, of the third Scrolls Design Competition have been announced:







RadiantUnicorn TheJakyll Dodecahedrus






Darn gaver10 ranotoro and Elendil*






Paradoxical uwlryoung Abstract






jay4 EyeTheta clamlol


Congratiulations to all the winners and finalists!

The winners will have their cards implemented into the game**. The finalists and the winners will also receive a special head as reward.


Read the offical post here


*As the Scrolls of both Competitors where so similiar, both will receive the head.

**Winning scrolls may be changed by Mojang.

Spoiler Saturday #2

10 years, By: Orangee


Hello again everyone, it's time for another spoiler.


Last week we introduced the Spoiler Saturday segment. Today we only got a small spoiler for you guys. It looks like there will be a special avatar head for people who have submitted a guide to the Scrolls Academy. There is a male and a female head called "head_academy."  So I predict this will be a player content creator avatar head.


The male avatar head kinda looks like Albert Einstein. 


There are also some rumors about a new Undead unit, that gains 1+ attack per poisonous creature in play.


We think we might find some more spoilers within the next week, if we are lucky. According to this post on there should be a balance update for Scrolls. If this includes a client update, there might be new spoilers! Who knows?

Carnalizer did a stream yesterday.

10 years, By: Orangee

Carnalizer did a stream yesterday for a new set 7 art, its a Decay Spell. The art itself is not done yet. So we are kinda hopeing for a new stream today with the finished result. 

Spoiler Saturday! - #1

10 years, By: Orangee


Hello guys


We are now starting with a new weekly post here on, its called Spoiler Saturday. This is were we will post some spoilers each week. We do have to devide them up a bit so, 1 or 2 each week, maybe more if we are lucky. Most of the spoilers will come from the asset files and the Scrolls devs. 


There will also be some stuff we can't spoil, of course. Like very big stuff. New avatars for example, some of you may already know there are already 10+ new avatar sets, we think some of them will be unlockable by winning the Weekly Badges.


Yesterday we found a very intresting asset piece. It's a shield, it looks very much like a Armor Symbol. So we think there maybe some more clarification in the game towards which units have armor. Like the Gallant Defender and Wings Shield. Another Idea we have is that these will work as Health that cannot be healed.



Note that not everything we find is something that is in the game, but most likely will be. Mojang is changing assets all the time & stuff can be redone and/or scraped.



Something Missing on Scrolldier?

Submit a Suggestion here!

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Top 5 decks at the moment

1. Late Game Growth

50 11
26 Creatures - 6 Structurs - 18 Spells

2. Structure Energy

50 10
5 Creatures - 21 Structurs - 21 Spells - 3 Enchantments

3. Undead YOLO Decay

50 10
27 Creatures - 3 Structurs - 6 Spells - 14 Enchantments

4. [DO] Control

50 8
21 Creatures - 2 Structurs - 24 Spells - 3 Enchantments

5. Yolo Undead

50 8
34 Creatures - 3 Structurs - 11 Spells - 2 Enchantments

Last Fan made scroll