Jeb (@jeb_) added a new way to spot which players are the most active and who are on the top of the ladder. This is done by simple adding a Weekly Winner segment on the front page, and ingame badges in the chat. You have probably seen the Mojang or Moderator badges in the chat, this badges works in the same way. There are four badges right now: #1, #2 and #3 on the ladder and the player who have won the most games that week.
Every sunday there will be new people with these badges, You will not keep the bagde. Scrolls are tracking the winners in a database so a Trophy page will not be unlikely
Won most games (+ 500 gold)

#1 on the ladder (+ 500 gold)

#2 on the ladder (+ 250 gold)

#3 on the ladder (+ 100 gold)

In-game this looks like