For a while now I have been neglecting the old Ranked Ladder, preferring instead to play on the Test Server or when playing ranked opting to just mess around with weird decks. Yesterday however I vowed to make an effort, take ranked seriously and play all day. My aim was to get to the top spot before the Weekly Winners were announced. After 33 games and about 12 hours of playing I achieved my goal and am here to analyze what happened on my journey, who I played against, what decks I faced etc
I began at a rating of 1785 needing to hit a rating of 1924 to become #1, that means I needed to gain 139 points during the day. My weapon of choice was my old favorite Mono Decay. A nice and simple build that can stand up to almost everything.
As I mentioned earlier I played 33 games, 29 of those were wins, this of course means that I had 4 losses. 2 losses were to Mono Growth Aggro, 1 was to Mono Energy Ranged and the last was to Mono Energy Structures.
Here is the run down of how today's matches went including who I played against, what deck they played and how long the games were, all stats are taken from Scrolls Guide. As you can see I played against quite a few different decks.
- Mono Decay 10 times (some poison and some normal(ish))
- Mono Order 4 times (all Tempo Order)
- Mono Growth (all aggro based)
- Mono Energy (both ranged and structure variants)
- Growth/Energy (A Gravelock based deck and another which I can't quite recall)
- Decay/Order (Decay and Order Poison decks).
Quite a few different decks but most of them are tempo/aggression based decks like Mono Growth Aggro, Tempo Order. You can even throw in Decay if you like. Anway, the people that I faced and what they played went as follows, formatted by Name, Deck and record (W/L):
- ARN64, Mono Decay (1/0)
- Nrp123, Tempo Order (2/0), Mono Decay (1/0), overall (2/0)
- kkingbob, Energy/Growth (1/0)
- therealdip, Mono Growth (1/0)
- arachn1d, Mono Decay (2/0)
- Manc00s, Decay/Order (1/0), Mono Growth (1/0)
- Eva, Tempo Order (1/0), Mono Growth (1/0), Mono Energy (1/0), overall (3/0)
- Applemonkeyman, Mono Growth (0/2), Mono Energy (1/0), overall (1/2)
- Carnage, Decay/Order (1/0)
- Grawler, Growth/Energy (1/0)
- Sengirvampir, Mono Energy (0/1)
- Heliandor, Mono Growth (1/0)
- Skunkks, Mono Decay (1/0)
- node_js, Mono Energy (1/0)
- Bogomil, Mono Growth (1/0)
- Zadrim, Mono Energy (1/0)
- Filman, Mono Decay (1/0)
- MrTrillo89, Mono Growth (2/0)
- Lahopaa, Mono Energy (0/1)
- TheRaider_27, Mono Order (1/0)
- istrion, Mono Decay (1/0)
- Leeger, Mono Decay (1/0)
- LukiGamer, Mono Decay (2/0)
So my conclusion from today's experience is as follows:
- The meta is open, all decks are doing well however I would say that the most consistent is Mono Decay as in its arsenal it has the scrolls to counter all deck variants.
- Queue times weren't to bad, had to wait about a minute on average which didn't bother me to much.
- Magic Armour preventing self inflicted damage really needs to be changed, am really surprised that it hasn't been done so on the test server let along the live server
- You guys are getting tough to beat :)
So that is it, if you find this post boring then my apologies. This sort of post is the kind of thing that I enjoy reading so I tried my best to emulate that. Of course my experience on the ladder today doesn't really reflect how popular certain decks are or what the best deck is but, as I said, this is what I discovered today.
Thanks for the games everyone :)