
Caller's Bane - Scroll returns!

6 years, By: Hopefighter

Hello Scrolldiers,


It's been a long time since something was posted here, and in something that I can personally only describe as a surprise Mojang has announced that Scrolls will be made available for free under the name Caller's Bane 


How to play

To play Caller's Bane you have to download and the client from and unpack it into your favourite (or prefered) directory, that's it.


When starting up your client you will notice a new drop-down box in the menu, this is to select your server. When first connecting to the server you will need to create a new account on that server.  If you don't want to play on the (as of writing this post) only server you will have to create your own server, more on that in the future.



It is unclear to me if work on this site will continue as I will first need to get into contact with Orangee, to sort out legal stuff with him, regarding things like the GDPR, this might be a non-issue but it is still important to check, just so we are on the save side.


Have fun out there Scrolldiers!

Let's go back to memory lane!

8 years, By: Orangee

End of Time Tournament?

There are some talks about a tournament on the 30th of June this summer. What do you guys say to one last day of Scrolls? Lets get together one last time to play the game we all love so much. Set up some streams, promote new CCG/TCG games like Scrolls(like faeria, i do have 2 game codes if anyone is intrested.) that we can move to after 30th of June. Just a nice day of some Scrolls fun for the last time.


Poi with Spoilers!


@PoiPoiChen tweeten some old Scrolls concept art photos, they do contain some new units and old units with different names. Take a look




Scrolldier renewed to March 21st. 2017!

9 years, By: Orangee

Hello scrolldiers.


We have decided to renew to March 21st. 2017.

So now you can share and find decks, share and make scroll ideas until the end of Scrolls and longer.


Happy Scrolling!


- The Scrolldier Team

Scrolls is shutting down

9 years, By: Hopefighter

Scrolls is shutting down


Hello Scrolldiers,


Many of you will allready know, but the Scrolls Team confirmed that Echoes will be the last Set coming to Scrolls, and the Servers will only be kept running until July 1st, 2016. While there will still be balance changes, no new Content will be released anymore.


What does this mean for Scrolldier?

Sadly this means Scrolldier will eventually shut down too. As it currently stands you can keep on using this site until 21th of March 2016, after that it will shut down too.


Thank you

Thank you guys for using Scrolldier, the positive feedback and constructive criticism has been amazing. 

Special thanks to:

Everybody in the scrollsguide IRC







Your Scrolldier Team

















EDIT: Sometime in January -> 21th of March 2016

Something Missing on Scrolldier?

Submit a Suggestion here!

Add a new deck!

Top 5 decks at the moment

1. Late Game Growth

50 11
26 Creatures - 6 Structurs - 18 Spells

2. Structure Energy

50 10
5 Creatures - 21 Structurs - 21 Spells - 3 Enchantments

3. Undead YOLO Decay

50 10
27 Creatures - 3 Structurs - 6 Spells - 14 Enchantments

4. [DO] Control

50 8
21 Creatures - 2 Structurs - 24 Spells - 3 Enchantments

5. Yolo Undead

50 8
34 Creatures - 3 Structurs - 11 Spells - 2 Enchantments

Last Fan made scroll