Are you looking for something out of the ordinary? Maybe a small guild that does not recruit openly?
A guild that does everything in highest secrecy? Maybe you should you should contact us
All your [current] resources are converted into Decay.
* Poisonous
Enchanted creature has +1 Attack for each Rat on that side. When enchanted creature destroys another unit, summon a on a random tile the same side.
Sacrifice all creatures you control. Creatures sacrificed this way are replaced by at Countdown 0.
Rats you control have +1 Attack and +1 Health.
Sacrifice target Beast. Other Beasts you control have their Attack increased by that unit's Attack until end of turn, and become fully [healed].
CREATURE: Human,Kinfolk
When Nog Nest's Countdown becomes 0, Nog Nest is destroyed and 2 are summoned on adjacent tiles.
Enchanted unit gets +1 Attack and +1 Health for each Stag Heart on the same side.
SPELL: Lingering
* Linger: 6
When a creature comes into play, increase owner's [current] Wild by 1.
When a Beast comes into play on your side, increase [current] Growth by 1.
* Replenish
When a creature comes into play on your side, Terrene Brute's Countdown is decreased by 1.
Enchanted unit gets +4 Attack.
Idols you control are healed by 1. Beasts get +2 Attack until end of turn. Draw 1 Beast.
Target tile and adjacent tiles. Summon three within the spell's area.