When enchanted structure is destroyed in combat, opponent units on the same row are dealt 2 [physical damage].
1Useless Contraptionx3
2Catapult of Goox3
STRUCTURE: Artillery
* Lobber: 4 tiles
Units attacked by Catapult of Goo have their Countdown increased by 2.
2Golem Skinx2
When Golem Skin comes into play, enchanted creature gains Attack and Health equal to the number of structures you control. Structures you control take 1 [magic damage].
2Gun Automatonx3
CREATURE: Automaton
* Ranged attack
2Inferno Blastx2
SPELL: Destruction
Deal 1 [magic damage] to target tile and adjacent tiles.
2Metal Heartx2
Enchanted creature counts as an Automaton, and its Attack is increased by the number of other Automatons you control.
* Replenish
Enchanted unit disregards next attack or damage taken. Plating is removed afterwards.
SPELL: Destruction
Deal 2 [magic damage] to target unit.
2Tool Initiatex1
When Tool Initiate's Countdown is 0, you may increase its Countdown by 1 to give target structure +1 Attack.
Ranged or Lobber units on target tile and adjacent tiles have their Countdown decreased by 2.
3Concentrate Firex2
Target Ranged or Lobber unit makes an extra attack after its next attack.
3Ember Bondsx2
ENCHANTMENT: Destruction
Enchanted unit is dealt 3 [magic damage] before attacking.
All units have their Countdown decreased by 1.
3Gravelock Outcastx1
CREATURE: Gravelock
Pay 1 Growth to fully [heal] Gravelock Outcast.
3Hellspitter Mortarx1
STRUCTURE: Artillery
* Lobber: 1 tile
Attacks a randomly selected tile on opponent's board.
SPELL: Destruction
Deal 3 [magic damage] to all opponent structures.
CREATURE: Human,Tribesman
* Ranged attack
3Tick Bombx2
SPELL: Destruction
Destroy target structure.
SPELL: Destruction
Deal 3 [magic damage] to target unit. If that unit is destroyed, draw 1 scroll.
STRUCTURE: Artillery
* Lobber: 4 tiles
4Ether Pumpx1
When Ether Pump attacks, opponent's units are dealt 1 [physical damage].