When a non-Decay creature you control is destroyed during your opponent's turn, summon a Revenant in its place, and the Treaty counts down by 1.
2Grisly Graftx3
Enchant creature you control. When Grisly Graft comes into play, sacrifice adjacent creatures. Enchanted creature gains Attack and Health equal to the number of creatures sacrificed.
2Tethered Recruitx3
When Tethered Recruit is destroyed, increase Order by 1.
1Blessing of Hastex3
Target unit's Countdown is decreased by 1.
CREATURE: Human,Soldier
* Ranged attack
2Ducal Infantrymanx3
CREATURE: Human,Soldier
Other creatures you control on the same row have +1 Attack.
2Just Convictionx3
SPELL: Lingering
* Linger: 5
When a Soldier you control is destroyed, its Attack is added to a random adjacent creature until its next attack.
SPELL: Destruction
Deal 1 [magic damage] to target unit. Draw 1 scroll.
2Roasted Bean Potionx3
Target creature's Countdown is decreased by 1. Its [Move] is increased by 1 until end of turn.
2Wings Spearx3
CREATURE: Human,Soldier
* Spiky 2
* Dominion: Spiky increased by 2.
3Aescalon Spiresx1
SPELL: Lingering
* Linger: 3
When a unit is destroyed, it is resummoned on the same tile, and Aescalon Spires counts down by 1.
SPELL: Destruction
Units on target row are dealt 1 [magic damage]. Opponent's idol on that row is dealt 2 damage.
3Royal Skirmisherx3
CREATURE: Human,Soldier
* Relentless
3Vigor Extractionx2
Target unit's Countdown is increased by 2. If Countdown is then 4 or more, increase Decay by 1.
3Wings Shieldx3
CREATURE: Human,Soldier
Wings Shield has [Armor] equal to the number of units behind it.
4Ducal Skirmisherx3
CREATURE: Human,Soldier
* Relentless
5Imperial Scepterx2
* Unique
* Resonance: Adjacent units have their Countdown decreased by 1.
5Wings Chargerx2
CREATURE: Human,Soldier
6Wings Cleaverx2
CREATURE: Human,Soldier
* Relentless
* Dominion: +3 Attack. [Base Countdown] is decreased by 1.