[ Cubez ] Late Game Order ( Before Waypoint )

9 years ago by Mr_Cubez, for scrolls version: 0.124.0, with a Score of 3
This deck is outdated
Deck as image (WIP)
7 9 14 14 3 0 3 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Aging Knight x2
1 Blessing of Haste x3
1 Focus x2
2 Flip x2
2 Kabonk x2
2 Roasted Bean Potion x3
2 Transposition x2
3 Eternal Sword x2
3 Mangonel x3
3 Royal Skirmisher x3
3 Speed x3
3 Wings Shield x3
4 Ducal Skirmisher x3
4 Gallant Defender x3
4 Knight Scholar x3
4 Pushback x2
4 Wings Captain x3
5 Royal Vanguard x3
7 Imperial Resources x3

Hello my name is Cubez and i recently played this deck to top 50 so i thought i would make a Deck profile for it considering i have not seen another player play anything similar in a long time.


The deck is what i would call a " toolbox deck " or as close as you're going to get to one.

Toolbox is a term used in Magic the Gathering for a deck that have a lot of search effects and a small poll of " 1 of's ". Although the deck isn't really considered a Toolbox deck it’s as close as i could get. Considering it does run 7 different cards that you only want to run 2 off. For instance do you only want 2 Pushbacks since it's main use is against the growth decks with enchantment abuse or against decay to gain tempo considering the deck is a late game deck and hence you will lose tempo early.


Toolbox ( 2 off’s )

Since you have Mangonel + Speed the additional damage from Kabonk is sometimes very essential but most of the time when you aren't using the Mango Speed combo the card isn't nearly as good as Focus or Sword but you don't need alot of any of them considering you're not relying 100% on your Relentless creature for massive board clear.


The Transpositions are in there because decay have a very hard time dealing with the actual mangonel when it hits the board and thus you can have scenarios where a Transpo'd Mangonel can blow them out. Although thats not it's only use you use it to get a better position considering you run " a lot " of Knights that don't go well with the Wing's Captain.


Next up is Aging Knight. He is only really in the deck to 1 give you a decent cheap unit for your Wing's Shields. 2 to combo with your Vanguards for a high damage output. 3 To have a creature that can deal just extra 2 damage while staying on the board if you ever have the need ( great to play just before the turn you want to Mangonel + Speed if you don't have a kabonk ready.


Flip is another card like Pushback but they both serve different purposes. Flip is meant to be your way of killing a creature that isn't available otherwise while you can still play it defensively even though doing that is marginally worse than Pushing a creature back for tempo.


Focus and Eternal Sword should be self explanatory as i said earlier you don’t need x3 Eternal Sword or x3 Focus when you have the Mangonel + Speed combo in your arsenal this is due to additional damage Focus or Sword would inflict the Mangonel can inflict as well sometimes even better than a relentless unit.


Core deck.


Gallant Defender is essential to the Tempo Order and Growth match-ups they will always have more units on the board than you and if they don’t you are most likely winning already so the additional 2 armor when “ behind “ is amazing it’s in my opinion for the most part of the game simply a better Wing’s Shield.

Wing’s Shield serve the same purpose as Gallant defender it’s just a card you want to play after you get into the mid to late game considering that at the time when your Defenders doesn’t have it’s buff anymore against Decay for instance then you need the Wing’s Shields to come in and take effect.


Imperial Resources this should also be self explanatory basic it does almost everything you want it gets to ahead in resource as well as cards while still affecting the board without you playing another unit meaning that your Defender might have the armor buff.


Mangonel + Speed combo this is actually really essential to a lot of the match-ups, Growth and Tempo Order is the match-ups where it shines the most considering that they have a low amount of creature’s that survive the combo and if they do it’s most likely with 1 hp maybe 2. Then we have Kabonk as well as haste effects to the board.


Left out.


Honorable General he simply isn’t good enough for the deck you never really want to play him over most other cards in the deck since he is way to slow to have impact on the game if you don’t have a Speed or 1-2 Blessing of Haste or Roasted Bean Potions.


Ducal Infantryman he basically is a worse Kabonk in the deck considering that it doesn’t work with your Mangonel + Speed combo which actually is a bigger downside than you would think.


Wing’s Warder well this card simply doesn’t impact the board and considering we want to go late game we have no need for our units to actually stay alive for the most part of the game. It’s not we don*t care about our creature’s but we only really care in the early to mid game once we hit late game we should be all set.

And the unit doesn’t attack so essentially it’s a unit that doesn’t do anything for US on board it does restrict our opponent but we don’t really need to restrict them that much. It’s also a unit on board towards the Gallant Defender.


If you have any questions simply let me know i’ll gladly anwser them find me ingame on any of the following account.





Chrizzy  [Main account]


46% Creatures (23) 6% Structures (3) 44% Spells (22) 4% Enchantments (2)
100% Order (50)