Ramp Decay

9 years ago by Blinky, for scrolls version: 1.3.1, with a Score of 3
This deck is outdated
Deck as image (WIP)
0 11 13 8 6 6 3 3 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 Ilmire Tribesman x3
2 Infested Husk x3
2 Languid x3
2 Watcher x2
3 Brain Lice x3
3 Harvester x3
3 Ilmire Rot Eater x3
3 Rattle Hymn x2
3 Soul Steal x2
4 Blightbearer x3
4 Cursemonger x3
4 Damning Curse x2
5 Oblivion Seeker x3
5 Sleep Moratorium x3
6 Halls of Oum Lasa x3
6 Ilmire Witch Doctor x3
7 Necrogeddon x3
8 Nuru, Flesh-seamstress x3

    • Moderator in-game

Yes they are alvarpq. Combined with halls, I have regularly managed to pick up a sleep moratorium, essentially I am getting 3 Decay and a nuru for free every turn.


    Are 3 Nurus run just for Sleep Moratorium? It feels a bit clunky to me, but makes sens if that's the case.

    54% Creatures (27) 4% Structures (2) 30% Spells (15) 12% Enchantments (6)
    100% Decay (50)