Undead bite 6

9 years ago by Vulkenhyn, for scrolls version: 1.2.11, with a Score of 1
This deck is for the current Test server version
Deck as image (WIP)
15 15 17 0 3 0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Husk x3
1 Mangy Rat x3
1 Mire Shambler x3
1 Revenant x3
2 Blade Husk x3
2 Fungify x3
2 Slayer Vestige x3
2 Tethered Recruit x3
3 Festering Freak x3
3 Harvester x3
3 Ilmire Rot Eater x3
3 Rattle Hymn x3
3 Restless Bones x3
3 Unbind x2
5 Irva, Voice of the Dead x3
1 Blessing of Haste x3
2 Ruse x3


    Hey! This is the deck that rekt me when I was playing TO! It's a nasty little thing. Really solid build, or at least good enough to beat me!

    Not sure how many enchantments you're running into, but the Unbind seems unnecessary. Also, husk is just kind of...bad. I'd compare it to Crossbowman, which is already rarely run. Even though you get undead synergy, I'd just run Rippers instead, or maybe put in a Flesh animator to give yourself a 4-drop.

    66% Creatures (33) 28% Spells (14) 6% Enchantments (3)
    12% Order (6) 88% Decay (44)