Target creature's [Move] is decreased by 2 until end of its turn. It gets [Curse] 2.
2Slayer Vestigex3
* Slayer
CREATURE: Masked,Undead
* Relentless
Does not count down. When a creature is destroyed, Harvester's Countdown is decreased by 1.
3Ilmire Rot Eaterx3
When a creature adjacent to Ilmire Rot Eater is destroyed, Ilmire Rot Eater gets +1 Attack and +1 Health.
3Nuru's Needlex3
Enchanted unit's Attack, Health and [Move] are decreased by 1. It gets [Curse] 1.
3Soul Stealx2
SPELL: Destruction
Destroy target creature with health 2 or less. Summon a on a random tile on your side.
4Ilmire Hunterx3
* Slayer
4Pest Dissimulatorx3
CREATURE: Human,Mystic
* Ranged attack
When Pest Dissimulator deals damage to a creature, that creature and adjacent creatures become [poisoned].
5Oblivion Seekerx3
CREATURE: Human,Mystic
* Ranged attack
When Oblivion Seeker is destroyed, draw 2 scrolls.
6Halls of Oum Lasax2
SPELL: Lingering
* Linger: 4
At the beginning of your turn, [sift] 3 random scrolls from your discard pile, and draw 1 of them.
6Ilmire Witch Doctorx3
* Ranged attack
When a Human creature adjacent to Ilmire Witch Doctor is destroyed, a is summoned in its place.
1Copper Automatonx3
CREATURE: Automaton
Copper Automaton is destroyed after attacking.
1Dust Runnerx3
CREATURE: Human,Tribesman
* Ranged attack
When Dust Runner deals damage to a creature with 3 or less Health, that creature is destroyed.
2Piercing Projectilex2
Enchanted ranged creature gets [Piercing] and +1 Attack.
SPELL: Destruction
Deal 2 [magic damage] to target unit.
When Supercharged comes into play, and at the beginning of each of enchanted unit's turns, enchanted unit makes a ranged attack dealing 1 [physical damage].