
9 years ago by Triniculo, for scrolls version: 1.2.1, with a Score of 0
This deck is outdated
Deck as image (WIP)
9 12 17 9 0 3 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Resonant Helm x3
1 Royal Infantryman x3
1 Summons x3
2 Crown of Strength x3
2 Frost Wind x3
2 Plate Armor x3
2 Wings Spear x3
3 Advantageous Outlook x3
3 Aescalon Spires x3
3 Decimation x3
3 Righteous Partisan x2
3 Royal Spearman x3
3 Waking Stones x3
4 Ducal Spearman x3
4 Gallant Defender x3
4 Knight Scholar x3
6 Arbalestier x3

Daily Hard 3/28/2015


- Your units start with Elan Vital

- Your idols start with 5 health

- Your opponent starts with 1x Breaker

- Your Opponents units start with Untainted


Hide beind your walls, Elan Vital will heal your stones every turn, which gives you some extra time to get your defense set up.  Hopefully you can take an idol or two down before the board fills up.  Otherwise some well timed Arbalesiers and Decimations will have to get the job done.

46% Creatures (23) 6% Structures (3) 30% Spells (15) 18% Enchantments (9)
100% Order (50)