When enchanted creature deals damage, units adjacent to its target are dealt 1 [magic damage].
1Dust Runnerx2
CREATURE: Human,Tribesman
* Ranged attack
When Dust Runner deals damage to a creature with 3 or less Health, that creature is destroyed.
1Gravelock Raiderx2
CREATURE: Gravelock
* Relentless
1Potion of Resistancex1
For 3 rounds, damage dealt to enchanted unit is reduced to 1.
1Snargl Brainx1
Enchanted unit gets +1 Attack. If Energy is 4 or more, enchanted unit gets +3 Health.
1Tribal Memorialx1
Pay 2 Energy to destroy Tribal Memorial and increase Growth by 1.
2Gravelock Guardx2
CREATURE: Gravelock
* Pillage: A random opponent unit is dealt 1 [physical damage].
2Hired Smugglerx1
* Ranged attack
* Pillage: Draw 1 structure scroll.
2Iron Whipx2
Deal 1 [magic damage] to target unit. It gets +1 Attack until end of turn, and its Countdown is decreased by 1.
Target creature's Attack and Health switch values.
3Gravelock Outcastx1
CREATURE: Gravelock
Pay 1 Growth to fully [heal] Gravelock Outcast.
CREATURE: Automaton
* Ranged attack
When Replicaton is destroyed, return to owner's hand if your [current] Energy is 2 or more.
4Proximity Chargex1
When destroyed in [melee combat], attacking unit is dealt 4 [physical damage]. When Proximity Charge comes into play, a copy is summoned adjacent to it.
4Stone Enigmax1
All [Lingering] spells are destroyed. Increase Energy by 1.
5Gravelock Elderx1
CREATURE: Gravelock
* Ranged attack
Other Gravelocks you control have +1 Health.
1Eye of Eaglex2
Draw 1 creature scroll.
1Leeching Ringx1
When enchanted creature deals damage, it is [healed] by its Attack value.
1Vaettr of the Wildx2
While Vaettr of the Wild is in play, Growth is increased by 1.
2Bear Pawx2
Enchanted unit gets +2 Attack and +2 Health. When Bear Paw comes into play, enchanted unit's Countdown is increased by 1.
* Magic resistance 2
Enchanted unit gets +2 Health.
2Fjords of Vigorx1
SPELL: Lingering
* Linger: 4
Units you control costing 3 or less have +1 Attack.
* Relentless
Gravehawk gets +1 Attack for each Gravelock you control.
2Kinfolk Bravex2
CREATURE: Human,Kinfolk
2Sister of the Foxx2
CREATURE: Human,Kinfolk
When Sister of the Fox comes into play, draw 1 scroll.
2Stag Heartx3
Enchanted unit gets +1 Attack and +1 Health for each Stag Heart on the same side.
2Vengeful Vaettrx1
* Pillage: Increase Growth by 1. Vengeful Vaettr is dealt 1 [pure damage].
3Crimson Bullx1
Units you control get +2 Attack until end of turn.
3Sand Pact Memorialx1
When Sand Pact Memorial comes into play, increase [current] Energy by 5.
* Spiky 1
Does not count down. When a creature comes into play on your side, Skythorn's Countdown is decreased by 1. When Skythorn's Countdown becomes 0, draw 1 scroll.
3Vilda the Verdantx1
CREATURE: Human,Mystic
* Unique
* Ward
Vilda has +1 Attack for each enchantment on your side.
4Earthen Mirthx2
Enchanted unit gets +4 Attack.
4Fertile Soilx1
Sacrifice target creature you control and draw 3 scrolls.
4Oak Bloodx1
Enchanted creature gets +6 Health.
5Great Wolfx2
CREATURE: Beast,Wolf
* Relentless
Great Wolf gets +1 Attack for each other Wolf you control.
Units you control have their Countdown decreased by 2.