Sacrifice all units you control with a non-zero Countdown. Each unit sacrificed this way deals 2 [magic damage] to opponent units on the same row.
1Dryadic Powerx2
Enchanted creature gets +1 Attack and +3 Health, and its [Move] is decreased by 1.
2Frost Galex3
SPELL: Destruction
Deal 1 [magic damage] to all units.
2Nog Nestx3
When Nog Nest's Countdown becomes 0, Nog Nest is destroyed and 2 are summoned on adjacent tiles.
Sacrifice target unit you control and add that unit's cost to your [current] resources.
2Sister of the Foxx3
CREATURE: Human,Kinfolk
When Sister of the Fox comes into play, draw 1 scroll.
CREATURE: Human,Kinfolk
* Replenish
* Spiky 1
Does not count down. When a creature comes into play on your side, Skythorn's Countdown is decreased by 1. When Skythorn's Countdown becomes 0, draw 1 scroll.
3Somata Shiftx3
Summon a random creature scroll from your library on target tile. Its Health is set to 2.
4Fertile Soilx3
Sacrifice target creature you control and draw 3 scrolls.
4Rat Kingx3
Target tile and adjacent tiles. Summon three within the spell's area.
4Seed of Insurgencyx3
When enchanted creature is destroyed, it's resummoned on the same tile. Its Countdown is set to 1.
5Kinfolk Veteranx3
CREATURE: Human,Kinfolk
* Haste
SPELL: Destruction
* Taxing 2
Deal 3 [magic damage] to all structures and 2 [magic damage] to all creatures.
6Sister of the Owlx3
CREATURE: Human,Kinfolk
An is summoned together with Sister of the Owl. When an Owl deals damage, Sister of the Owl gets +1 Attack.
7Kinfolk Jarlx2
CREATURE: Human,Kinfolk
* Relentless
* Inspiring: +1 Attack
Kinfolk Jarl has +1 Attack for each adjacent creature.
8God Handx3
Units you control get +2 Attack until end of turn, and have their Countdown decreased by 2.