Enchanted unit's Attack is decreased by 2. When Languid comes into play, draw 1 scroll.
2Loyal Darklingx3
* Unstable 2
When Countdown is 0, you may sacrifice Loyal Darkling.
Target creature you control has its Countdown increased by 2. If it is still on the board at the beginning of your next turn, draw 2 scrolls and increase [current] Decay by 2.
3Brain Licex3
ENCHANTMENT: Destruction
Enchanted creature becomes [poisoned]. When it is destroyed, draw 1 scroll.
3Draining Mistx2
All opponent units with Countdown 1 or less have their Countdown increased by 2.
3Eager Scryerx3
CREATURE: Human,Mystic
If Eager Scryer's Countdown is 2 or more at the end of your turn, draw 1 scroll.
3Festering Freakx3
CREATURE: Beast,Masked
* Poisonous
CREATURE: Masked,Undead
* Relentless
Does not count down. When a creature is destroyed, Harvester's Countdown is decreased by 1.
3Ilmire Rot Eaterx3
When a creature adjacent to Ilmire Rot Eater is destroyed, Ilmire Rot Eater gets +1 Attack and +1 Health.
3Rattle Hymnx1
Destroy a random [Lingering] spell your opponent controls. Draw 1 Lingering spell.
3Soul Stealx3
SPELL: Destruction
Destroy target creature with health 2 or less. Summon a on a random tile on your side.
Blightbearer takes 1 [poison damage] before attacking. When Blightbearer is destroyed, all creatures on the same row become [poisoned].
* Ranged attack
When Cursemonger's Countdown is 0, you may reset its Countdown to give target unit [Curse] 2.
4Damning Cursex2
SPELL: Destruction
* Taxing 1
Destroy target creature. Units you control are dealt 1 [magic damage].
5Cluster Hexx2
All units on target tile and adjacent tiles get [Curse] 2.
5Oblivion Seekerx3
CREATURE: Human,Mystic
* Ranged attack
When Oblivion Seeker is destroyed, draw 2 scrolls.
6Halls of Oum Lasax2
SPELL: Lingering
* Linger: 4
At the beginning of your turn, [sift] 3 random scrolls from your discard pile, and draw 1 of them.
6Ilmire Witch Doctorx3
* Ranged attack
When a Human creature adjacent to Ilmire Witch Doctor is destroyed, a is summoned in its place.
Sacrifice all creatures you control. Creatures sacrificed this way are replaced by at Countdown 0.
7Reaping Maskx2
* Unstable 3
Enchanted unit gets +3 Attack and +3 Health. When enchanted unit destroys a creature, draw a creature scroll.