For 3 rounds, damage dealt to enchanted unit is reduced to 1.
2Gravelock Guardx3
CREATURE: Gravelock
* Pillage: A random opponent unit is dealt 1 [physical damage].
2Hired Smugglerx2
* Ranged attack
* Pillage: Draw 1 structure scroll.
SPELL: Destruction
Deal 2 [magic damage] to target unit.
3Charge Coilx3
When Charge Coil attacks, a random opponent unit is dealt 1 [physical damage].
3Fulmination Conduitx2
Fulmination Conduit counts up instead of down at the beginning of its turn. You may sacrifice it to add its Countdown to your [current] Energy.
3Power Tripx3
Increase [current] Energy by 6. If it is then 11 or more, draw 1 scroll.
3State Machinex3
When a creature comes into play on opponent's side, State Machine deals 1 [magic damage] to that creature. When State Machine's Countdown becomes 0, it's destroyed.
4Blind Ragex1
SPELL: Destruction
Target creature deals [magic damage] equal to its Countdown to adjacent units. Its Countdown is then increased by 1.
SPELL: Destruction
Deal 3 [magic damage] to target unit. If that unit is destroyed, draw 1 scroll.
CREATURE: Automaton
When an opponent plays a spell, Echomaton gets +2 Attack. When Echomaton is destroyed, if Attack is 3 or more, increase Energy by 1.
4Metal Wonderx1
When your opponent plays a spell or enchantment, Metal Wonder deals 2 damage to a random idol they control.
4Solemn Giantx2
CREATURE: Automaton
Does not count down. Pay 2 Energy to decrease Countdown by 2.
4Stone Enigmax1
All [Lingering] spells are destroyed. Increase Energy by 1.
4Sudden Eruptionx3
SPELL: Destruction
* Surge: 2 [magic damage] to X random opponent units.
5Ironclad Reaverx3
CREATURE: Human,Reaver
* Pillage: Immune to damage until the beginning of your next turn
5Machine Chantx3
SPELL: Destruction
Deal [magic damage] to target unit equal to the number of structures you control. Increase Energy by 1.
6Thunder Surgex2
SPELL: Destruction
Target unit and connected units are dealt 2 [magic damage].