Enchant creature you control. When Grisly Graft comes into play, sacrifice adjacent creatures. Enchanted creature gains Attack and Health equal to the number of creatures sacrificed.
2Mire Cursex3
ENCHANTMENT: Destruction
Mire Curse deals 1 [poison damage] to adjacent creatures at the beginning of each of its turns.
Enchanted creature has +1 Attack for each Rat on that side. When enchanted creature destroys another unit, summon a on a random tile the same side.
3Brain Licex3
ENCHANTMENT: Destruction
Enchanted creature becomes [poisoned]. When it is destroyed, draw 1 scroll.
3Festering Freakx3
CREATURE: Beast,Masked
* Poisonous
CREATURE: Masked,Undead
* Relentless
Does not count down. When a creature is destroyed, Harvester's Countdown is decreased by 1.
3Ilmire Rot Eaterx3
When a creature adjacent to Ilmire Rot Eater is destroyed, Ilmire Rot Eater gets +1 Attack and +1 Health.
3Miasma Wellx3
When Miasma Well's Countdown becomes 0, a random opponent creature becomes poisoned.
Blightbearer takes 1 [poison damage] before attacking. When Blightbearer is destroyed, all creatures on the same row become [poisoned].
4Infectious Blightx3
ENCHANTMENT: Destruction
When Infectious Blight comes into play, enchanted creature becomes [poisoned]. If it is destroyed by poison, a random creature on the same side gets Infectious Blight.