When Dust Runner deals damage to a creature with 3 or less Health, that creature is destroyed.
1Clandestine Orchardx3
SPELL: Lingering
* Linger: 5
When a creature comes into play, another [random] creature on the same side has its Countdown decreased by 1.
1Ragged Wolfx2
CREATURE: Beast,Wolf
* Haste
1Vaettr of the Wildx2
While Vaettr of the Wild is in play, Growth is increased by 1.
2Fjords of Vigorx2
SPELL: Lingering
* Linger: 4
Units you control costing 3 or less have +1 Attack.
2Kinfolk Bravex2
CREATURE: Human,Kinfolk
2Sister of the Foxx2
CREATURE: Human,Kinfolk
When Sister of the Fox comes into play, draw 1 scroll.
3Budding Retreatx2
SPELL: Lingering
* Linger: 6
When a creature comes into play, increase owner's [current] Wild by 1.
3Budding Vaettrx2
When a Beast comes into play on your side, increase [current] Growth by 1.
3Eager to Battlex1
SPELL: Lingering
* Linger: 3
Creatures with [base Attack] 2 or less come into play with [Haste].
3Earthborn Keeperx2
When a unit comes into play on your side, Earthborn Keeper gets +1 Attack until end of turn.
CREATURE: Human,Kinfolk
* Replenish
* Spiky 1
Does not count down. When a creature comes into play on your side, Skythorn's Countdown is decreased by 1. When Skythorn's Countdown becomes 0, draw 1 scroll.
1Aging Knightx2
CREATURE: Human,Knight
Each time Aging Knight attacks, its [base Countdown] is increased by 1.
CREATURE: Human,Soldier
* Ranged attack
1Royal Infantrymanx2
CREATURE: Human,Soldier
Other creatures you control on the same row have +1 Health.
1Sinmarked Zealotx3
When Countdown is 0, you may sacrifice Sinmarked Zealot to deal 2 [magic damage] to target unit.
Draw 1 structure scroll.
3Wings Shieldx2
CREATURE: Human,Soldier
Wings Shield has [Armor] equal to the number of units behind it.
5Prisoners of Warx3
Draw 1 Growth, 1 Decay and 1 Energy creature. Increase [current] Wild by 1.