Not Idle Idol Decay

10 years ago by DocHollowed, for scrolls version: 1.2.0, with a Score of 5
This deck is outdated
Deck as image (WIP)
12 14 21 3 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Hex Marks x3
1 Mire Shambler x3
1 Regeniture x3
1 Wicked Being x3
2 Blade Husk x3
2 Languid x3
2 Loyal Darkling x3
2 Searing Shackles x3
2 Watcher x2
3 Arhart's Disciple x3
3 Blightseed x3
3 Draining Mist x3
3 Forbidden Ruins x3
3 Invocation Sentry x3
3 Omen of Damnation x3
3 Soul Steal x3
4 Totem of Suffering x3

The point of this cheap, fast deck is to destroy idols quickly while stalling any opposition from doing the same. Try to stay on 3 scrolls, and sac up to 6 resources (because that will allow you to play Linger combinations effectively). Try to use scrolls when they are most effective (for instance, use a Soul Steal on a 2 health creature when it is going to attack on the next turn); timing is critical for this deck. A lot of the time, this deck can beat all the daily trials.

Arhart's Disciple:  This scroll is interesting for this deck because it often results in situations in which a fortified position can be overcome, due to its indirect method of dealing idol damage. It's also useful in combination with Blightseed, because it has more health than alternative creatures. Often this scroll is used in conjunction with Draining Mist, which allows for creature removal and idol damage at the same time, making the scroll extremely efficient for the strategy of the deck.

Blade Husk:  Given how quickly idols die while using this deck, the dominion trait for Blade Husk is often active, and, like the Mire Shambler, its high attack makes it useful in its contribution to idol damage. It's useful in the early game if the opening is slow, and in the mid-game when its dominion effect can be active. If I was considering replacing a scroll in this deck, I might consider this scroll, but I still think it's quite good for the deck.

Blightseed:  With the change to Blightseed now only costing 3 Decay, this scroll is now an effective way to draw and gain some temporary resources. When used in the early game, it can often solidify an advantage that impacts the mid-game. For instance, being able to draw an Invocation Sentry and Omen of Damnation and play them both means that there is an efficiency of idol damage when an opponent plays more creatures (like if a Growth player wants to play Rat King, for instance). It also is useful for increased chances of drawing stall scrolls, like Languid or Draining Mist, which may be critical in some cases.

Draining Mist:  This is the primary way in which the opposition can be stalled, which contributes to the strategy of destroying opposing idols before the opposition destroys our idols beautifully. 

Forbidden Ruins:  This scroll synergizes with a number of idol damaging scrolls, which increases the speed of idol destruction, and it also can be used with Invocation Sentry to deal idol damage itself. The idol setup is to have 2 Invocation Sentries, an Omen of Damnation, and a Forbidden Ruins active at all times.

Hex Marks:  Used to inflict more idol damage, and should only be used when something is about to attack an idol. This scroll is usually played in the early game.

Invocation Sentry:  This scroll not only deals damage when important idol damaging linger spells are played, but also discourages the opposition from playing their own linger spells. The structure can also protect idols and creatures. 

Languid:  I tried to play Revenant instead of Languid, but the synergies were too situational for it to be reliably useful, whereas the stalling and drawing mechanics of Languid are reliably useful. Drawing is extremely useful in this deck.

Loyal Darkling:  The usefulness of this scroll is obvious, but let me point out that it can function as a stall by blocking idols, while synergizing well with idol damaging scrolls, on top of doing idol damage itself. As such, it is more useful in the mid-game in which idols can be threatened to be destroyed. Plus it is the only way to reliable activate Wicked Being, besides Soul Steal.

Mire Shambler:  Used for inflicting early idol damage; chosen because of its high attack. It's useful when using hex marks, and because of its low health, occasionally Wicked Being.

Omen of Damnation:  This scroll stalls or inflicts idol damage. Either creatures are not played, and the linger spell stalls the damage done to idols, or creatures are played, and the linger spell does random idol damage. Either way, it contributes to our strategy. It is useful in the same ways described for Forbidden Ruins.

Regeniture:  Used to prevent a critical unit from dying in some cases (notice how it can also increase the health of Invocation Sentry and Totem of Suffering, and the health of creatures that have Blightseed on them). Moreover, it can do idol damage when applied to an enemy unit, which, combined with Forbidden Ruins, deals 2 damage. This scroll is generally more useful in the mid-game, when idols are lower in health.

Searing Shackles:  Another amazing scroll for this deck. This makes it difficult for any deck to play structures against us, since, when Searing Shackles is placed on a structure, the result is consistent idol damage, which also can work in combination with Forbidden Ruins. Moreover, placing this on an important creature is a way in which a dilemma is created between causing more idol damage or losing the creature.

Soul Steal:  This scroll stalls because a 2 health creature dies, and it also gives us another Mire Shambler, which is good for the reasons listed for that section. It's an efficient scroll because it often leads to 2 scrolls for 1 trades, or 1 for 1 trades plus idol damage. Remember, it can be played on our own creatures to activate Wicked Being.

Totem of Suffering:  This scroll can act as a blocker, but more importantly, it can act as a weaker version of Wicked Being. Its effect can be improved by Forbidden Ruins, and, as Wicked Being is, Totem of Suffering is more useful in the mid-game when threats to idols are more concrete. 

Wicked Being:  Wicked Being is useful in combination with Loyal Darkling, which, combined with Forbidden Ruins, can deal 5 damage to an idol upon the Darkling dying. Moreover, combining Wicked Being with Arhart's Disciple is often useful, since either the Disciple dies and does idol damage, or the Disciple is able to attack and either damages a unit and deals idol damage, or deals idol damage directly.

Watcher:  This scroll is especially useful when playing against a deck that has removal (like an Energy deck). It can also be combined with Forbidden Ruins for great effect. Again, a Loyal Darkling and Soul Steal can be used to active the Watcher's effect.





24% Creatures (12) 16% Structures (8) 30% Spells (15) 30% Enchantments (15)
100% Decay (50)