midrange insurgency

9 years ago by cashflo, for scrolls version: 1.2.0, with a Score of 4
This deck is outdated
Deck as image (WIP)
3 7 11 15 9 0 3 3 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Ragged Wolf x3
2 Kinfolk Brave x3
2 Vengeful Vaettr x2
2 Vitality Well x2
3 Breaker x2
3 Crimson Bull x3
3 Crone x3
3 Mangy Wolf x3
4 Earthen Mirth x2
4 Fertile Soil x3
4 Rat King x2
4 Seed of Insurgency x2
4 Striped Fangbear x3
4 Wetland Ranger x3
5 Great Wolf x3
5 Kinfolk Veteran x3
5 Rallying x3
7 Kinfolk Jarl x3
8 God Hand x3

    • Has donated to Scrolldier.com

Insta poison removal. That's what vitality well is there for.


    any particular reason you pick vitality well over nogs nest or druid burial ground? with crone and rat king i feel like you have enough chump blockers so that one of the other two could shine better in this deck.

    60.8% Creatures (31) 3.9% Structures (2) 27.5% Spells (14) 7.8% Enchantments (4)
    100% Growth (51)