For 3 rounds, damage dealt to enchanted unit is reduced to 1.
SPELL: Destruction
Deal 2 [magic damage] to target unit.
3Automata Forgex3
Instead of attacking, Automata Forge summons a \non an adjacent tile. Pay 3 Energy to decrease Countdown by 1.
3End of Reasonx3
SPELL: Destruction
Sacrifice all units you control with a non-zero Countdown. Each unit sacrificed this way deals 2 [magic damage] to opponent units on the same row.
3Hellspitter Mortarx3
STRUCTURE: Artillery
* Lobber: 1 tile
Attacks a randomly selected tile on opponent's board.
3State Machinex3
When a creature comes into play on opponent's side, State Machine deals 1 [magic damage] to that creature. When State Machine's Countdown becomes 0, it's destroyed.
SPELL: Destruction
Deal 3 [magic damage] to target unit. If that unit is destroyed, draw 1 scroll.
4Solemn Giantx2
CREATURE: Automaton
Does not count down. Pay 2 Energy to decrease Countdown by 2.
5Machine Chantx3
SPELL: Destruction
Deal [magic damage] to target unit equal to the number of structures you control. Increase Energy by 1.
6Thunder Surgex2
SPELL: Destruction
Target unit and connected units are dealt 2 [magic damage].
6Violent Dispersalx3
SPELL: Destruction
Deal 8 [magic damage] to target unit.
2Frost Galex3
SPELL: Destruction
Deal 1 [magic damage] to all units.
2Nog Nestx3
When Nog Nest's Countdown becomes 0, Nog Nest is destroyed and 2 are summoned on adjacent tiles.
2Sister of the Foxx3
CREATURE: Human,Kinfolk
When Sister of the Fox comes into play, draw 1 scroll.
4Fertile Soilx3
Sacrifice target creature you control and draw 3 scrolls.
4Rat Kingx3
Target tile and adjacent tiles. Summon three within the spell's area.
5Kinfolk Veteranx3
CREATURE: Human,Kinfolk
* Haste
SPELL: Destruction
* Taxing 2
Deal 3 [magic damage] to all structures and 2 [magic damage] to all creatures.