When Shroud of Unlife comes into play, enchanted creature becomes Undead. When enchanted creature is destroyed, a is summoned in its place.
2Loyal Darklingx3
* Unstable 2
When Countdown is 0, you may sacrifice Loyal Darkling.
2Mire Cursex3
ENCHANTMENT: Destruction
Mire Curse deals 1 [poison damage] to adjacent creatures at the beginning of each of its turns.
2Searing Shacklesx3
Enchanted unit deals 1 damage to the idol behind it at the end of each of its turns. When enchanted unit moves, it is dealt 2 [magic damage].
3Brain Licex3
ENCHANTMENT: Destruction
Enchanted creature becomes [poisoned]. When it is destroyed, draw 1 scroll.
3Ilmire Rot Eaterx3
When a creature adjacent to Ilmire Rot Eater is destroyed, Ilmire Rot Eater gets +1 Attack and +1 Health.
3Miasma Wellx3
When Miasma Well's Countdown becomes 0, a random opponent creature becomes poisoned.
4Corpus Collectorx3
When Corpus Collector destroys a creature, summon a with 2 Countdown on an adjacent tile.
4Infectious Blightx3
ENCHANTMENT: Destruction
When Infectious Blight comes into play, enchanted creature becomes [poisoned]. If it is destroyed by poison, a random creature on the same side gets Infectious Blight.
1Eye of Eaglex3
Draw 1 creature scroll.
1Illthorn Seedx3
* Spiky 1
When enchanted unit you control is destroyed, summon an in its place.
2Ranger's Banex3
ENCHANTMENT: Destruction
Enchanted creature becomes [poisoned].
2Sister of the Foxx3
CREATURE: Human,Kinfolk
When Sister of the Fox comes into play, draw 1 scroll.
SPELL: Displacement
Each opponent unit is moved to a random adjacent tile.
4Ancestral Totemx1
Creatures you control have +1 Attack.
4Brother of the Wolfx3
CREATURE: Human,Kinfolk
When Brother of the Wolf's Countdown is 0, you may increase Countdown by 2 to summon a\n on an adjacent tile.
4Rat Kingx1
Target tile and adjacent tiles. Summon three within the spell's area.