Enchanted unit gets +2 Health. When Regeniture comes into play, the idol behind it is dealt 1 damage.
1Slithering Formx2
* Magic resistance 2
Enchanted melee unit passes through enemy structures and is immune to damage dealt by structures.
2Bloodline Taintx1
Target unit, and other units on the same side that share a subtype, get [Curse] 1.
Enchanted creature has +1 Attack for each Rat on that side. When enchanted creature destroys another unit, summon a on a random tile the same side.
2Uneasy Alliancex2
Enchanted creature gets +2 Attack. When it is destroyed, all other creatures with Uneasy Alliance are destroyed.
2Unforeseen Onslaughtx2
Creatures you control with Attack 1 or less get [Slayer] until their next attack.
3Eager Scryerx3
CREATURE: Human,Mystic
If Eager Scryer's Countdown is 2 or more at the end of your turn, draw 1 scroll.
3Return To Naturex2
SPELL: Destruction
Creatures on target tile and adjacent tiles get -1 Health until end of turn. If a creature with this effect is destroyed, increase Growth by 1.
When Stitcher's Countdown is 0, you may sacrifice target creature to give another target creature +2 Attack and +2 Health. If you do, Stitcher's Countdown is reset.
When Lifestealer deals damage, it is [healed] by 2.
5Monstrous Broodx2
Target creature you control and connected creatures are destroyed, and each is replaced by a .
1Beast Ratx3
1Clandestine Orchardx2
SPELL: Lingering
* Linger: 5
When a creature comes into play, another [random] creature on the same side has its Countdown decreased by 1.
Target structure is dealt 2 [magic damage]. Increase Decay by 1.
Rats you control have +1 Attack and +1 Health.
1Vaettr of the Wildx2
While Vaettr of the Wild is in play, Growth is increased by 1.
2Culling the Flockx2
Sacrifice target Beast. Other Beasts you control have their Attack increased by that unit's Attack until end of turn, and become fully [healed].
2Stag Heartx2
Enchanted unit gets +1 Attack and +1 Health for each Stag Heart on the same side.
3Terrene Brutex2
When a creature comes into play on your side, Terrene Brute's Countdown is decreased by 1.
3Underdog's Spitex2
Creatures you control with Attack 2 or less have their Countdown decreased by 1.
4Essence Feastx2
Idols you control are healed by 1. Beasts get +2 Attack until end of turn. Draw 1 Beast.
4Rat Kingx2
Target tile and adjacent tiles. Summon three within the spell's area.