When Dust Runner deals damage to a creature with 3 or less Health, that creature is destroyed.
2Golem Skinx1
When Golem Skin comes into play, enchanted creature gains Attack and Health equal to the number of structures you control. Structures you control take 1 [magic damage].
2Gun Automatonx3
CREATURE: Automaton
* Ranged attack
2Inferno Blastx1
SPELL: Destruction
Deal 1 [magic damage] to target tile and adjacent tiles.
2Iron Whipx3
Deal 1 [magic damage] to target unit. It gets +1 Attack until end of turn, and its Countdown is decreased by 1.
Enchanted creature gets +5 Attack, and its [base Countdown] is doubled.
2Magma Packx1
When Magma Pack comes into play, enchanted unit's Attack is doubled. Enchanted unit is destroyed after attacking.
2Metal Heartx1
Enchanted creature counts as an Automaton, and its Attack is increased by the number of other Automatons you control.
* Replenish
Enchanted unit disregards next attack or damage taken. Plating is removed afterwards.
SPELL: Destruction
Deal 2 [magic damage] to target unit.
Ranged or Lobber units on target tile and adjacent tiles have their Countdown decreased by 2.
3Boom Reaverx1
CREATURE: Human,Reaver
* Ranged attack
3Charge Coilx3
When Charge Coil attacks, a random opponent unit is dealt 1 [physical damage].
3Concentrate Firex1
Target Ranged or Lobber unit makes an extra attack after its next attack.
3Machine Divinatorx1
CREATURE: Human,Tribesman
Machine Divinator does not attack. Structures you control have +1 Health. When Machine Divinator's Countdown becomes 0, a [random] structure you control has its Countdown decreased by 1.
3Machine Priestx2
CREATURE: Human,Tribesman
Machine Priest does not attack. Structures and Automatons you control have +1 Attack.
3Power Tripx1
Increase [current] Energy by 6. If it is then 11 or more, draw 1 scroll.
CREATURE: Human,Tribesman
* Ranged attack
3State Machinex1
When a creature comes into play on opponent's side, State Machine deals 1 [magic damage] to that creature. When State Machine's Countdown becomes 0, it's destroyed.
3Storm Runnerx1
CREATURE: Human,Tribesman
* Lobber: 4 tiles
4Blind Ragex2
SPELL: Destruction
Target creature deals [magic damage] equal to its Countdown to adjacent units. Its Countdown is then increased by 1.
SPELL: Destruction
Deal 3 [magic damage] to target unit. If that unit is destroyed, draw 1 scroll.
4Clock Libraryx2
When Clock Library's Countdown becomes 0, it's destroyed and you draw 3 scrolls.
4Ether Pumpx2
When Ether Pump attacks, opponent's units are dealt 1 [physical damage].
4Metal Wonderx1
When your opponent plays a spell or enchantment, Metal Wonder deals 2 damage to a random idol they control.
4Proximity Chargex2
When destroyed in [melee combat], attacking unit is dealt 4 [physical damage]. When Proximity Charge comes into play, a copy is summoned adjacent to it.
4Solemn Giantx1
CREATURE: Automaton
Does not count down. Pay 2 Energy to decrease Countdown by 2.
5Machine Chantx2
SPELL: Destruction
Deal [magic damage] to target unit equal to the number of structures you control. Increase Energy by 1.