Budget Growth

9 years ago by TheCheesymaster, for scrolls version: 1.0.0, with a Score of 0
This deck is outdated
Deck as image (WIP)
5 15 7 13 6 2 1 1 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Ragged Wolf x3
1 Vaettr of the Wild x2
2 Champion Ring x3
2 Fjords of Vigor x2
2 Kinfolk Brave x2
2 Kinfolk Ranger x3
2 Sister of the Fox x2
2 Stag Heart x3
3 Breaker x1
3 Crimson Bull x3
3 Earthborn Keeper x3
4 Ancestral Totem x2
4 Brother of the Wolf x1
4 Earthen Mirth x2
4 Fertile Soil x1
4 Oak Blood x1
4 Rat King x1
4 Sister of the Bear x2
4 Wetland Ranger x3
5 Great Wolf x1
5 Kinfolk Veteran x3
5 Rallying x2
6 Gusty Izulr x2
7 Kinfolk Jarl x1
8 God Hand x1

These decks are designed for new players to be as easy to get as possible and cost very little gold. The decks are based on the starter decks you get for free, the worst cards are than taken out and common and key uncummon cards are put in. The best way to acquire youre new cards is simply by buying them on the Black market. 

58% Creatures (29) 4% Structures (2) 20% Spells (10) 18% Enchantments (9)
100% Growth (50)