
9 years ago by Toasterrr, for scrolls version: 1.0.0, with a Score of 0
This deck is outdated
Deck as image (WIP)
25 20 12 6 2 0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Atrophy x1
1 Hex Marks x3
1 Husk x1
1 Mire Shambler x3
1 Ripper x1
1 Wicked Being x2
2 Bog Hound x2
2 Cursed Presence x1
2 Ilmire Tribesman x1
2 Loyal Darkling x1
2 Sanctuary of the Lost x1
3 Arhart's Disciple x1
3 Festering Freak x1
3 Ilmire Rot Eater x1
3 Pillar of Disease x2
3 Rattle Hymn x2
4 Corpus Collector x1
1 Copper Automaton x1
1 Gravelock Raider x1
1 Tribal Memorial x1
1 Useless Contraption x2
1 Vicious Strike x1
2 Gun Automaton x1
2 Inferno Blast x1
4 Lockling Brood x1
1 Beast Rat x1
1 Elan Vital x1
1 Vitriol Aura x1
2 Champion Ring x1
2 Earthbond x1
2 Fjords of Vigor x1
2 Sister of the Fox x1
2 Vengeful Vaettr x1
3 Stone Pact Memorial x1
4 Brother of the Wolf x1
4 Sister of the Bear x1
1 Crossbowman x2
1 New Orders x2
1 Summons x1
2 Ducal Infantryman x1
2 Flip x1
2 Frost Wind x1
2 Kabonk x1
2 Transposition x1
2 Wings Soldier x1
2 Wings Spear x1
3 Callback x2
3 Desert Memorial x2
4 Pushback x1
4 Wings Captain x1
5 Stormknight x2


    1x Atrophy 3x Hex Marks 1x Husk 3x Mire Shambler 1x Ripper 2x Wicked Being 2x Bog Hound 1x Cursed Presence 1x Ilmire Tribesman 1x Loyal Darkling 1x Sanctuary of the Lost 1x Arhart's Disciple 1x Festering Freak 1x Ilmire Rot Eater 2x Pillar of Disease 2x Rattle Hymn 1x Corpus Collector 1x Copper Automaton 1x Gravelock Raider 1x Tribal Memorial 2x Useless Contraption 1x Vicious Strike 1x Gun Automaton 1x Inferno Blast 1x Lockling Brood 1x Beast Rat 1x Elan Vital 1x Vitriol Aura 1x Champion Ring 1x Earthbond 1x Fjords of Vigor 1x Sister of the Fox 1x Vengeful Vaettr 1x Stone Pact Memorial 1x Brother of the Wolf 1x Sister of the Bear 2x Callback 2x Crossbowman 2x New Orders 1x Summons 1x Ducal Infantryman 1x Flip 1x Frost Wind 1x Kabonk 1x Transposition 1x Wings Soldier 2x Desert Memorial 1x Wings Spear 1x Pushback 1x Wings Captain 2x Stormknight

    46.2% Creatures (30) 12.3% Structures (8) 27.7% Spells (18) 13.8% Enchantments (9)
    13.8% Energy (9) 16.9% Growth (11) 30.8% Order (20) 38.5% Decay (25)