Energy´s siege

9 years ago by NightVigilante, for scrolls version: 1.0.0, with a Score of 0
This deck is outdated
Deck as image (WIP)
10 14 15 7 1 2 1 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Ash Runner x2
1 Copper Automaton x3
1 Dust Runner x1
1 Potion of Resistance x1
1 Useless Contraption x3
2 Gun Automaton x3
2 Inferno Blast x1
2 Iron Whip x2
2 Machinated x1
2 Metal Heart x2
2 Plating x3
2 Spark x2
3 Automata Forge x1
3 Bombard x1
3 Boom Reaver x2
3 Cannonetta x1
3 Concentrate Fire x2
3 Machine Priest x1
3 Power Trip x1
3 Scattergunner x2
3 Scout Automaton x1
3 Snargl Hunter x2
3 Tick Bomb x1
4 Burn x2
4 Clock Library x1
4 Destroyer x2
4 Metal Wonder x1
4 Proximity Charge x1
5 Machine Chant x1
6 Cannon Automaton x2
7 Iron Ogre x1

 it´s a cheap-unit focused deck, so i can conquest the field quickly, and i have some heavy units for latest game too.

Some scrolls on this deck are used on pecifical situations only, so, for example, if i dont fight Growth or Decay, normally, y use to sacrifice every snargl hunter i got, but while fighting beast centered decks, i defend him with structures or another units.

Because offensive structures, i can get quick board control on the 4th energy resource, and a little revenge if enemy plays a spell *chuckles*

On normal circumstances i play the structures back, units on the mid, and useless contraptions on the front.

It´s an informal, funny to use deck. I´m proud of it.

42% Creatures (21) 18% Structures (9) 22% Spells (11) 18% Enchantments (9)
100% Energy (50)