8 | 10 | 13 | 9 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Special thanks to DavidSlain and PewQ for the fantastic Knight Recruitment method!
Last Updated: May 17th, 2015
A variant of Late-Game Order, which I refer to as Economy Order, is all about building up your economy while dealing with threats.
This deck is primarily focused on two things: playing defensively, and clearing entire rows using Arbalestier. In some iterations of the deck, I only use one Knight, Arbalestier, so that Royal Aspiration can be called for a potential of 3 extra Arbalestier's in a single deck cycle.
The key cards in the deck's economy are Prisoners of War and Imperial Resources. Prisoners of War successfully fills the curve at 5 resources, to ensure that I can continue to sacrifice for resources every turn, allowing Imperial to be played a turn sooner than expected. Imperial is as advantageous as always: allowing you to ramp from 7 towards the golden 9 resource mark and beyond while replenishing your hand. In some builds I'm also using a slightly downscaled Sinmarked Heritage / Powerbound engine.
The deck name will fluctuate frequently; usually it's a song name or something I felt was funny, topical, or particularly awesome.
May 17th, 2015
Is Echoes out yet? Man, here I am just waiting to get my hand on those new Echoes cards... Mojang pls...
{"deck":"Sailor Princess Cay","author":"Cradstache","types":[314,316,232,232,193,71,48,316,157,55,237,127,357,357,308,122,237,178,121,155,49,178,71,71,127,165,127,193,316,157,50,354,50,121,155,66,50,357,123,48,354,123,55,157,308,123,122,193,308,55]}
April 12nd, 2015
Proving once more that I have no idea what I'm doing. It's made of awesome!
{"deck":"If it kills fast, I can call it Tempo, right?","author":"Cradstache","types":[57,314,316,306,232,232,71,316,157,55,357,357,308,122,64,121,155,49,178,71,71,165,127,127,193,316,157,354,121,155,57,66,313,357,313,123,354,57,123,178,55,64,157,121,308,123,122,193,308,55]}
March 22nd, 2015
This current build, which is more aggressive than I usually go with, is working quite well for me, as of late. Removed the Waking Stones crutch, and a far cleaner curve.
{"deck":"Cay, the Favored","author":"Cradstache","types":[314,359,305,305,316,306,360,232,232,359,157,71,193,316,48,357,308,357,122,178,305,64,49,178,71,71,165,193,359,316,157,50,354,50,157,360,66,50,357,48,354,178,55,64,122,308,122,193,308,55]}
March 15th, 2015
Haven't had the best luck in ranked lately; have been losing a lot, actually; but this variant seems to work well. No sinmarked engine in this version, as Growth has just been tearing my shit up.
{"deck":"Cay is love; Cay is life.","author":"Cradstache","types":[314,305,359,316,305,360,306,157,71,193,48,316,357,360,357,308,122,178,49,178,71,71,165,359,193,316,157,354,384,50,157,105,359,66,50,384,357,61,105,48,123,354,178,308,123,122,193,308,55,384]}
February 16th, 2015
Re-added some Cay to the mix,a nd somewhat adjusted ratios on just about everything. Oh, and Wings Sorceress is back! Yay!
{"deck":"Cay is love; Cay is life.","author":"Cradstache","types":[314,359,316,360,157,71,48,127,280,349,357,357,178,280,49,178,71,71,127,193,127,316,157,92,92,52,95,50,157,105,52,280,360,359,105,95,314,50,61,357,66,48,61,178,55,308,193,52,308,55]}
January 25th, 2015:
Cantor took a look at the deck, and stoicly said: "No. This is wrong. Run 3 Prisoners, and some Roasted Bean Potions". Being Cantor, he was correct.
{"deck":"What is this? I don't even...","author":"Cradstache","types":[314,359,316,157,71,316,48,55,127,280,349,357,357,178,49,280,178,71,71,127,193,127,316,157,92,92,52,95,384,95,50,61,157,52,105,280,359,105,95,50,384,357,61,66,48,61,178,193,52,55]}
January 18th, 2015:
After a short hiatus, I've returned to this deck; have doubled down on rush cards, and am playing a mix of defensive + offense.
{"deck":"Lets Get Down to Business, to Defeat, the Growth","author":"Cradstache","types":[314,359,316,206,157,71,48,280,127,349,357,357,64,178,49,64,280,178,71,71,127,359,127,316,157,358,50,95,358,384,95,50,157,280,206,359,66,95,50,384,357,61,358,48,61,178,206,308,308,384]}
December 29th, 2014:
Some major adjustments: no longer utilizes Summons or Mangonel; now runs more defensive units, for innevitable growth matchups.
{"deck":"Pew Pew, Die Die","author":"Cradstache","types":[359,206,157,71,55,280,357,308,357,92,312,178,49,280,178,316,71,359,157,50,95,384,50,55,61,157,52,280,206,359,66,95,50,384,357,61,349,61,71,178,206,92,55,312,308,312,52,308,384,92]}
December 19th, 2014:
Initial version:
{"deck":"Total Eclipse of the Heart","author":"Cradstache","types":[359,157,105,52,306,280,157,71,359,66,55,95,280,357,357,50,92,384,357,61,349,312,155,178,49,280,105,178,316,71,61,71,155,178,359,316,55,157,312,312,105,52,50,95,384,384,92,50,55,61]}
Been playing with it a bit, have ended up with this! http://scrolldier.com/deck/2739 Cleaver is in for Cay to be a soldier if you ever happen to get the royal inspiration dominion draw.
52% Creatures (26) | 4% Structures (2) | 44% Spells (22) |
2% Energy (1) | 2% Growth (1) | 94% Order (47) | 2% Decay (1) |
Cleaver always seemed like a great choice if you're using Royal Inspiration. Even if you don't have speed ready to unleash his wrath he can be a 5 hp meat shield.