This deck is all about doing as much damage as quickly as possible. It is a complete rush deck. I also wanted to prove to myself that growth could be played without the stupid earthborn mystic. The early tests I have of this deck do prove that. There is no rumble, so far it seems that the excess of damage can punch through order decks fairly quickly, and i've only played a few order players that consistantly use waking stones (even though I love waking stones). Skythorn is really only in this deck because the deck can slow quite rapidly without some external draw factor, it also helps to protect the vulnerable 2 cost units that come before it. There is no sister of the fox, rat king makes up for the lack of sister of the fox, and if the tempo is kept up there is no need for extra card draw.
This deck is potentially easily beaten by heavy removal, but i've had little experince losing this way yet.