[Heart of Scrolls] Aggro Energy

9 years ago by Smogan, for scrolls version: 0.121.0, with a Score of 4
This deck is outdated
Deck as image (WIP)
9 12 29 0 3 0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Ash Runner x3
1 Copper Automaton x3
1 Dust Runner x3
2 Desperation x3
2 Gun Automaton x3
2 Iron Whip x3
2 Machinated x3
3 Bombard x3
3 Boom Reaver x3
3 Cannonetta x3
3 Corrode x3
3 Fury x3
3 Gravelock Outcast x3
3 Oculus Cannon x3
3 Power Trip x2
3 Siege Cracker x3
3 Storm Runner x3
5 Gravelock Elder x3

Aggro Energy (first draft!!!) deck build by Colorplant featured on 6/13/2014 episode of Heart of Scrolls.


    I think it might be better to focus on either ranged or melee creatures, since Energy's mass CD reduction comes as either a half-arsed 1CD reduction for all or 2CD for only ranged units. You could replace the Bombard with machination mindset, and add additional melee creatures (and keep the Gravelock elder so that he can synergise with Outcasts and Raiders).

    56.6% Creatures (30) 5.7% Structures (3) 32.1% Spells (17) 5.7% Enchantments (3)
    100% Energy (53)