Waking They united

9 years ago by Puttanesca, for scrolls version: 0.133.0, with a Score of 0
This deck is outdated
Deck as image (WIP)
9 21 15 3 0 0 2 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Powerbound x3
1 Resonant Helm x3
1 Summons x3
2 Crown of Strength x3
2 Faith Chains x3
2 Faith Duty x3
2 Frost Wind x3
2 Kabonk x3
2 Plate Armor x3
2 Pother x3
3 Advantageous Outlook x1
3 Heritage x2
3 Infiltrate x3
3 Righteous Partisan x3
3 Waking Stones x3
3 Warding Stone x3
4 Gallant Defender x3
7 Imperial Resources x2



Deck used succesfully for "They United" and "They Returned"


Slow but seems to give best chance to build up waking stones + resonent helm + crown of strength + faith chains combo.


Gallant defenders and warding stones help to scramble defence early, also can mitigate against a piercing attack.


Main targets for infiltrate are Thea and Nuru.


Win with faith chains eventually. Can let enemy kill your creatures or just kabonk them yourself.

12% Creatures (6) 12% Structures (6) 36% Spells (18) 40% Enchantments (20)
100% Order (50)