smash mouth growth

9 years ago by ironballs, for scrolls version: 1.0.0, with a Score of 18
This deck is outdated
Deck as image (WIP)
3 14 8 8 11 2 2 2 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Ragged Wolf x3
2 Kinfolk Brave x3
2 Nog x2
2 Nog Nest x3
2 Stag Heart x3
2 Vengeful Vaettr x3
3 Earthborn Mystic x3
3 Mangy Wolf x3
3 Vilda the Verdant x2
4 Ancestral Totem x2
4 Brother of the Wolf x3
4 Striped Fangbear x3
5 Great Wolf x3
5 Kinfolk Veteran x3
5 Quake x2
5 Rallying x3
6 Gusty Izulr x2
7 Kinfolk Jarl x2
8 God Hand x2


    I've been enjoying this quite a bit. As you recommended, druid burial grounds have proved most useful. I like to plant one in the middle of the board, and rotate my heavy hitters around it.


      Another solid deck, thanks:)


        It should be just as good for 1.0. Ive played only very limitedly since release (christmas season; ive got kids) but this deck has been very good to me through several different ladder environments. Its a highly adaptable list.

        Depending on what you encounter a great deal of...

        Decay... would probably drop gustys; add a third jarl as well as a third nog. would consider cutting 1 vengeful and 1 brave for 2 burial grounds but very situational depending on amount of poison im facing regularly. Another possible change- to help cope with watchergeddon- would be stag hearts out... eartthen mirths in.

        Energy... would drop the totems i think here.. replacing with third gusty and third quake. possibly find room for 2 rumbles- strictly vs mes- but thats a favorable matchup anyways so shouldnt be too necesary. A third vilda wouldnt be terrible in this matchup either.

        Growth... You can go toe to toe already and mirrors are mostly crapshoots anyways. Would consider wetlands in for the totems. possibly gustys out in favor of keepers for more aggression. possibly nogs out in favor of vaetr of the wild (but im personally against vaetr of the wild's brokenness)

        Order.. Vs LGO you should already be mopping them up. waking stones are a pain in the ass but not overly difficult to brute force with brothers. Tempo order is more problematic. Consider stag hearts out and earthen mirths in if this matchup is giving u trouble (to break armored units). possibly nogs out in favor of 1 more gusty and 1 more jarl to outvalue TO's low cost threats. Frost gales would a nice replacement for nests in this matchup as well. softening up death balls to let your relentless get in there and do work .


          @UpNorthCanuck, yes is very good


            Is this still as good for 1.0?


              This is some old school growth right here


                Burial grounds are back in. with latest patch healing hard counters a great deal of decay's toolkit; they are fairly solid in the other matchups as well. providing a stable defensive unit and supporting both mystics and vaetrs nicely.


                  bit of a revamp. Ranked meta is a bit more aggressive since last update. because of this ive added some more 2 drops and 3 drops to give overly stable starts. Brutes arent especially brilliant without rat kings but they are very nice as an early defensive unit and as a followup for nests. Similarly, because of the aggro meta mrrfs have been swapped out for stag hearts; still running only 1 enchantment so tutoring remains in full swing but the stags just come online much earlier and because of the health buff are much better in both the gravelock and curse control matchups


                    Nice deck, not very sure about the Essence feasts, how are they working for you?


                      Updated frequently depending on meta. check back every now and again

                      70% Creatures (35) 10% Structures (5) 14% Spells (7) 6% Enchantments (3)
                      100% Growth (50)