x2 Crown of Strength
x2 Blessing of Haste
x3 Ducal Infantryman
x2 Crossbowman
x2 Royal Skirmisher
x2 Efficiency
x2 Machination Mindset
x1 Roasted Bean Potion
x2 Wings Shield
x2 Aging Knight
x2 Fleetness
x2 Machinated
x2 Wings Soldier
x1 Wings Captain
x3 Righteous Partisan
x2 Eternal Sword
x3 Skull Shrine
x2 Wings Sorceress
x3 Effigy of the Queen
x3 Snargl
x2 Grave Gruel
x3 Snargl Hunter
x2 Feedback Jolt


  • Creature: 25
  • Enchantment: 10
  • Spell: 12
  • Structure: 3


  • 1: 2
  • 2: 6
  • 3: 6
  • 4: 13
  • 5: 3
  • 6: 20


  • Common: 24
  • Uncommon: 18
  • Rare: 8
50 scrolls mixing Energy and Order. During the great Dyrra campaigns led by the Empire, many perished in the unforgiving deserts of the West, starving, their flesh burnt, their souls devoured by the sand. But one legion survived. Friending the ferocious Snargl Hunters and their beasts, they managed to make of this hellish place a new home. They called themselves, the Silversand. And they owe their life to one last Captain. It is now your turn, to march ahead of this company, and through battle guide them, so they can one day live peacefully again. But beware, many will stand against those who betrayed the Empire... Be wised and organised and support your units with the Enchantements from the Dyrra (Energy) tribes. This Energy/Order deck has been successfuly tested against Hard AI. It generally plays best during the early-mid game, using Machinated on Relentess units. It also features some more situational scrolls like Feedback Jolt, but it can save your game (you can also enchant an enemy unit, if it's worth the trade). Feel free to edit this deck description if needed.