x2 Gravehawk
x2 Druid Burial Ground
x2 Great Wolf
x2 Leeching Ring
x2 Mangy Wolf
x2 Ragged Wolf
x3 Vitality Well
x1 Ancestral Totem
x1 Crimson Bull
x2 Illthorn
x2 Wildling
x2 Noaidi
x3 Stag Heart
x2 Verdant Veil
x2 Earthborn Mystic
x2 Skythorn
x3 Fjords of Vigor
x1 Vilda the Verdant
x3 Earthborn Keeper
x2 Gusty Izulr
x2 Terrene Brute
x3 Earthen Mirth
x2 Nog Nest
x2 Totem Mask


  • Creature: 22
  • Enchantment: 12
  • Spell: 4
  • Structure: 12


  • 1: 7
  • 2: 10
  • 3: 4
  • 4: 5
  • 5: 4
  • 6: 20


  • Common: 24
  • Uncommon: 18
  • Rare: 8
A fun little deck based on enchantements and... STRUCTURES ! Tadaaa ! Yes, this is as good as it can get, a growth enchant-structure deck, built with making finally use of Totem Mask. It wins against Hard AI, not always tho. It requires a bit of practice but isn't that hard to get used to. One should focus on getting a few units on board, wether they are 1 CD or Relentless, and buff them up, without forgetting Ward, before to make them blow up the sky in terms of stats once you are at reach of Totem Mask. To have a more lore-ish kind of intro : Assist Vilda and her kin in their battle for the Verdant Fortress, a mystic place filled with enchantements and dangers, amist the crawling walls of a long forgotten kingdom... Build up and train a few units while hiding them behind these walls, before to unleash a rarely seen fury onto your opponents. The Verdant lives ! And for it can grow, it will crush all enemies.